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Components of Computer System Durasi : 02:51
source :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JkfI7fyShI
Components of Computer System Durasi : 02:51
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Populer Components of Computer System, Video Computer System terpanas! computer system Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia A computer system is sized for the number of users it handles simultaneously the type of work performed office engineering etc and the volume of data that must be stored What is a Computer System Definition from Techopedia Computer System A computer system is a basic complete and functional computer including all the hardware and software required to make it functional for any user It should have the ability to receive user input process data and with the processed data create information for future storage and or output What is Computer System Webopedia Definition A complete working computer Computer systems will include the computer along with any software and peripheral devices that are necessary to make the computer function Every computer system for example requires an operating system Sistem komputer Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia ensiklopedia Sistem komputer adalah suatu jaringan elektronik yang terdiri dari perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras yang melakukan tugas tertentu menerima input memproses input menyimpan perintah perintah dan menyediakan output dalam bentuk informasi Selain itu dapat pula diartikan sebagai elemen elemen yang terkait untuk menjalankan suatu aktivitas dengan menggunakan komputer Sumber : www.youtube.com
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source :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JkfI7fyShI
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